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This is the full list of site updates & news, listed in reverse-chronological order. For older news scroll down!

* April 2019: The site hasn't been updated since 2011 ... I have some info/updates from the years between then & now, its going to take some time to put everything together, but they will be added as part of the overall site update.

* August 24, 2011: I have had to move the page YET AGAIN as the free hosting service I had it on is going away Sept 1. New URL = http://chs.freevar.com

* May 5, 2011: 'Columbine Community Day'.

* April 20, 2011: 12-year anniversary.

* March 2011: Another New Home: I know the page has been down for a long time...due to technical problems with previous place's server that they NEVER were able to fix. make sure to bookmark the new address
: http://fire.esmartmusic.com/chs.htm

* May 8, 2010: 'Columbine Community Day'.

* April 20, 2010: 11-year anniversary.

* June 22, 2009: New Home: The move is complete...time to update your links and/or bookmarks ( http://columbine.uuuq.com/chs.htm ). Welcome to the new site!

* May 25, 2009: New Home: This site has a new location - http://columbine.uuuq.com/chs.htm I'm gonna closely go through all files before the go on they new server...this means it'll take awhile to update/move everything.

* May 9, 2009: View images from 'Columbine Community Day'.

* April 25, 2009: GeoCities Closing :( ... Yahoo has decided to close their GeoCities service sometime later this year...well GeoCities is of course the place where this site is hosted. What this means is i'm gonna have to look for a new place or close the site.

* April 19/20, 2009: Images from the 10 year memorial services [page1] [page2] [page3]

* April 2009: It's been Almost 10 years since the attack on Columbine...(I'm doing some updates to the page, like removing bad links)

* March 11, 2009: Sad News From Germany: On the morning of March 11 2009 (around 9:30AM) in Winnenden Germany a former student entered Albertville Secondary School and opened fire, killing 9 students and 3 teachers. He then left the school hijacked a car and went on a shooting spree where he killed 3 and injured multiple more before turning the gun on himself.

* May 12, 2008: View images from 'Columbine Community Day'.

* April 20, 2008: View images from the 9-year anniversary.

* September 21, 2007: Dedication of the CHS Permanent Memorial.

* May 12, 2007: View images from 'Columbine Community Day'.

* April 20, 2007: View images from the 8-year anniversary.

* April 16, 2007: A Sad Day, There has been a shooting at Virginia Tech University, claiming the lives of 32 victims.

* June 16, 2006: Memorial Groundbreaking.

* April 22, 2006: Info/images from 'Columbine Day'.

* April 20, 2006: View images from the 7-year anniversary.

* July 2005: Update on the permanent CHS memorial.

* July 2005: A permanent memorial has not yet been built, but plans are still under way to build one more info.

* April 20, 2005: View images from the 6-year anniversary.

* April 20, 2004: View images from the 5-year anniversary.

* April 20, 2003: Unfortantly I didn't make it to the park for the 4-year anniversary...so no images this year.

* April 2003: Final plans were shown for a permanent memorial to be placed in Clement Park... the plan is to have it completed by April of 2004.

* November 13, 2002: A federal judge refused to approve an agreement that would return the 'basement tapes' that Harris and Klebold made to their families.

* April 20, 2002: View images from the 3-year anniversary.

* April 2002: An investigation into weather Columbine victim Daniel Rohrbough was killed by police 'friendly fire' proved that he was shot by Eric Harris

* January 2002: The families have asked that their lawsuits be re-instated due to new evidance that was found...this was denied. Also a request for a grand jury to investigate alleged coverups/wrongdoing by the Jefferson County sheriff was turned down in January 2002.

* November 2001: Most of the lawsuits filed against the sheriff's office, school officials, and other related groups were thrown out in November 2001 due to lack of evidance and /or governmental immunity.

* August 2001: Columbine's new library was completed at the end of May 2001, In time for students to view it before summer break. It was fully set up and ready for use when the students returned in August.

* April 20, 2001: View images from the 2-year anniversary.

* March 20, 2001: A student in Northglen Colorado was charged with solcitation to commit murder, in making threats against his school.

* March 6, 2001: Santee, California, 9:20am (Santana H.S.): A 15-year-old student brought a gun to his Highschool and opened fire. There were 2 fatalities and 13 injuries. The Gunman was arrested at the scene. The Gunman was said to be smiling while firing his gun. On the weekend, the student had apparently joked about shooting students at the school.

* February 7, 2001: 3 students in Fort Collins, Colorado were charged in planning a shooting at their Junior High.

* February 5, 2001: 3 students in Hoyt, Kansas were charged with planning an attack on their school. Police found bomb making materials a gun, and floorplans of the school.

* January 30, 2001: A college student in Cupertino, California was arrested because of plans to do an attck. Police found a stash of guns and bombs.

* August 2000: Construction on the new library began in august. Until it is complete the library will remain in a temporary building outside the school.

* August 2000: The Construction on the commons Atrium was colmpeted in time for the students' Return

* July 2000: Construction on the old library/commons started in June as soon as the students were on break. By mid July the library’s floor/commons ceiling had been removed and the 2-story commons Atrium was starting to take shape.

* May 15, 2000: The Sheriff's report on Columbine was released on monday may 15, 2000 on CD-ROM. It gives a timeline of the shooting, and includes pictures, audio, and video from april 20.

* May 5, 2000: Columbine's top basketball player Greg Barnes, 17 committed suicide at his home. He gave no indications that he was suicidal, and no suicide note has been found.

* April 2000: The HOPE fund has got it's minimum 3.1 million needed to build a new library for Columbine, and convert the old library and cafeteria into a 2-story atrium.

* April 2000: The Jefferson County Sheriff's office released a video to the public. It contained unedited footage from the News 4 helicopter and part of a 'training video' that was made by the fire department. The Sheriff's office is selling these tapes to anyone who wants them and is willing to pay $25.00 for them. This has upset and outraged the victims families because it shows scenes from inside Columbine, including the library after the bodies were removed, but blood stains and yellow tape that marked where they were remained. Also scenes outside such as Rachel Scott's body being dragged to a fire truck, and Richard Castaldo being dragged (the last thing you want to do to somone who has a back injury) to safty. Part of the 'training video' has music added in the background - the songs are: 'I will remember you' by Sarah McLachlan, 'If it were up to me' by Cheryl Wheeler, 'Friend of mine' by the Cohen Brothers. This violates copyright laws, and the artist's have asked for the songs to be removed. The sherrif's office did remove the songs after a lawsuit was threatened aginst them for this.

* April 20, 2000: The hosts of a radio show played a 'joke song' about Columbine view info

* April 20, 2000: Events commerating the tragedy were held on and around April 20. view images

* April 2000: A book is being written about Columbine - from the teacher's point of view. Click here for more info

* April 17, 2000: The Columbine Memorial Committee unveiled their draft Vision Statement to the Public

* February 27, 2000: (Sunday) a Walk was held to remember the victims of Columbine, the Columbine students (mentioned below) killed at a local SubWay sandwich shop, and for a young boy who was found dead in a dumpster behind a local store. It began at Trinity Christian center on Coal Mine Av. (less than a block from the Subway, past the Subway, continued down Pierce street in front of Columbine High, and then into Clement Park (across Bowles Av. from where the boy was found) and back. Images from this event

* February 14, 2000: (Monday)
Nicholas Stephanie
Two Columbine students were found shot to death at SubWay, a popular sandwich shop just a few blocks from the Columbine. The Jefferson County Sheriff's Department said there is no sign of a motive for the killings, but they are searching for a white male in his early 20s who was wearing a red jacket and flared pants, seen leaving the area. He is considered a possible witness. The victims were identified as: Nicholas Kunselman (15) and Stephanie Hart (16). A small informal memorial has started in the parking lot, people have been stopping by all day to leave flowers, stuffed toys, and other gifts for the victims. here is a small memorial page for them

* January 2000: It has been reported that Eric and Dylan made 95 bombs with enough firepower to destroy the school. They included: 48 Carbon Dioxide bombs, 27 Pipe bombs, 11 1.5 gallon propane bombs, 2 20 pound propane bombs, 7 gas or napalm bombs. Many of the bombs did not go off. The investigators did not explain why except to say "simple electronic failure".

* January 2000: Robyn Anderson (the girl who bought 3 of the guns used by Eric and Dylan) released a statement saying she would not have bought them if it required a background check. see the 'Statments page' for her statement.

* December 1999: Columbine was closed 2 days early because someone made a threat to "finish what begun" on the Internet. The 18 year old from Florida who sent it was arrested and after facing trial in Colorado pleaded guilty.

* December 20, 1999: Time magazine published an article about the videos that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold made before the shooting. Some of the victims famlies were quite upset about this, because the Sherrif's department released the videos to the media before they were allowed to see them.

* December, 1999: The Current Columbine library will have its floor and interior walls demolished, while the roof and exterior will remain as is. This would create a 2-story commons area (see image at left). A new library will be built as an addition to the school. More info about this project, and fund raisers for it will be posted here as it becomes avilable. A group of victims Columbine staff, and community membres have formed 'HOPE' which is trying to raise 3.1 million by June 30, 2000 so the project can begin this summer while the students are on break. view HOPE's webpage.
Donations for this project may be sent to: The HOPE Fund in care of The Denver Foundation, PO Box 24035, Denver CO 80224-0035
EDIT: Be aware the above address & website link are no longer valid/in operation! As the project has long since been completed. (they have been left here for historic purposes only). Please do not use them!

* December 16, 1999: (Thursday) There was a Christmas show that took place at Columbine (in the student parking lot), from 6:00 to 9:30pm. The show is sponsored by Holiday Express, and the Columbine Alumni Assoc. The show went well with around 6500 people watching.

* December 4, 1999: (Saturday) The Columbine Rebel football team won the state championship, beating Cherry Creek high 21 to 14. After the game they gave the trophy they received to Adam Kechter, the younger brother of Matthew Kecher who was killed. Matthew was a lineman for the junior varsity team, And had hoped to start for the Rebels this fall.

* November 13, 1999: Mark Manes was sentenced to six years in prison for selling a TEC-DC9 to Dylan Klebold, and for possessing a illegal sawed off shotgun.

* October 22, 1999: Sad News: The mother of injured Columbine Student Anne Hochhalter walked into a pawn shop, and asked to see a handgun. When the clerk turned his back for just a minute to do the required background check, Anne's mother loaded the gun and shot herself. she was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital.

* October 19, 1999: (Tuesday) A Columbine student was arrested for making a threat that he would "finish the job started by Eric and Dylan". There was also a report that he had a document detailing his plans.

* September 15, 1999: (Wednesday) A gunman walked into a church in Fort Worth, Texas, and opened fire with 2 guns and at least 1 pipe bomb. 7 people were killed. Read an e-mail I recieved on this

* September 1999: Cassie Bernall's mother has wrote a book about her daughter, it went out to bookstores on thursday September 9, 1999. here is some info on it.

* August 1999: All repairs to Columbine are now complete (except for in the library which has been blocked off by a wall and lockers. The students started registration on August 9, 1999. School began August 16, 1999. There is increased security, and a place for students to go who still need help dealing with the grief caused by the shooting.

* August 1999: When the students returned, there were grief counselors at the school, just in case anyone needed to talk, and the district also tried to keep the media off of the school grounds. If you are a student, just remember you don’t have to talk to the media unless you want to.

* June 1999: Repair work and clean-up was started at the beginning of June (when the Police and FBI released Columbine back to the school district). Columbine should be ready for the students when they return in the fall, although repairs to the library, where most of the victims lost their lives, will take longer. On June 21 the Jefferson County School District held a public meeting where they discussed some of the repairs that were going on. The floors, walls, and in some areas ceilings and everything else that were damaged are being repaired or replaced. The fire alarm will have a different sound, and the bell system's tones may also be changed There is also future plans to add a additional exit to the science area, but there is not time to get it done this summer because some classrooms will have to be reconfigured
The district does not want to rush repairs to the library, and wants to get some input from the students on what they should do. There will be a temporary library set up in portable buildings when school starts in august, and there is the near-by county library that students can of course use for additional material. The doors to the current Columbine High School library will most likely be walled off this fall so students will not even have to see it.

* June 6, 1999: (Saturday) A 'human chain' was planned for 11:21 AM. It was planned to reach from Columbine High to Standley Lake (around 30 miles). Unfortunately only 70 or so people showed up and it only went a short distance from Columbine (not even past the end of Clement park)

* May 1999: Bill Whelan has started an effort to get a "End the Violence" / Columbine Memorial Postage Stamp Created. View info on how to help with this effort by following this link!

* May 1999: If you are working on a Memorial quilt for Columbine or know somone who is, please contact the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. They are planing a travelling exhibit. Their E-mail address and Phone number are here: rmqm@att.net (303)277-0377
EDIT: Be aware this is old info left for historic purposes, please do not use the above email or phone number.

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This page and the images on it (c) 1999 - 2019 James K.

I, The owner of this page am not in in any way associated with the Jefferson County school district, or any of the victims. I simply wanted to do something for the victims of this tragedy

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