This Page Was Set Up As A Memorial To All Those
Affected By The Columbine High School Tragedy.


We Must Never Forget...Columbine
Created: 4-23-1999
Last Updated: 04-17-2019
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U P D A T E S !
* April 2019 - Its been a few years since I last did any updates.
I'm giving the site a good cleanup & makeover. The text should now
be clearer & easier to read, and should dynamically flow/fit the
screen size - rather than being forced to a fixed width. (But note
its still designed for viewing on a PC - mobile useabality has not
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Please be aware that some pages will have the new style, and others
the old style. (and yes I know there are multiple broken links). It
is going to take some time to get everything updated/ back in order

At 11:21 AM on April 20, 1999 two young men walked into the Columbine High School in southern Jefferson County, Colorado and opened fire with a semi automatic carbine, 2 sawed-off shotguns, and a semi automatic assault rifle. In addition, they spread more than 50 bombs in and around the building. (including one that had it gone off this would have been much, much worse... i.e. there may not have been a Columbine H.S. library or cafeteria anymore

When it was all over toll was:
1 Teacher Killed
12 Students Killed
2 Gunmen dead (also students)
23 People injured

It was later found that Eric (one of the suspects) was keeping a "log book" detailing plans to blow up the school, and kill as many as possible. He also had 2 web sites (one on AOL, and one on WBS) with some disturbing pictures, and bombmaking info on them. The original pages have been taken down, but you may view some of the pictures, info, and files here. The suspects had also recorded some videotapes (commonly referred to as the 'basement tapes') detailing some of their thoughts/plans.

I was at work when this happened, and around 11:30 there was a report on the radio saying 'something has happened at Columbine High, and the police are on the way'. Not too long after that another report came through that said it was a shooting. After that it was all news about Columbine. When I got home from work that day I watched the TV for a few minutes, and then went outside to see if I could see anything. I don't live too far from the school, and am on a hill where you can see it from. With a pair of binoculars I could see at least 4 different news helicopters in the air. On the School Grounds I could see a few Police Officers or SWAT team members, and some broken windows on the building.

One of the smaller pipe bombs went off well after this was over (sometime after 11:00pm I think, I was in bed at the time) I heard this one; it sounded sort of like a very large firecracker, but I knew it had to be one of the bombs. Non only did I hear the inital boom (through a closed window about a mile away), but also the reverbs / echos were also easily heard.

The weeks that followed were sort of a strange time in the neighborhood - it was quiet... No radios playing outside, No-one doing work in their yards or on their houses or cars. And very few kids playing outside...

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Feel free to e-mail me with questions/comments on this page jaymes_kay @ NOTES:
* to help ensure I get your email, please put 'Columbine' in the subject
* Spam / Hate Mail will be deleted unopened.

This page and the images on it (c) 1999 - 2019 James K. All rights reserved

I, The owner of this page am not in in any way associated with the Jefferson County school district, or any of the victims. I simply wanted to do something for the victims of this tragedy
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