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Columbine Rumors
Columbine Related Rumors
Columbine High Picture

NOTE: the following info is rumors only
please do not believe these statements as true.

This page has been moved to the Archives section of
the site and was only kept for historical reasons.
Rumor:My comments (if any):
Eric shot Dylan, and then himself...
dylan was shot by the cops...
Eric was shot by the cops...
Eric's dad helped make the bombshe most likely would have made
Eric get rid of the bombs if
he knew about them
Eric and Dylan were gaymost likely not true - they
both had girlfriends at one
time or another, and Eric
listed "meeting beautiful women"
on one of his AOL profiles
there was a 3rd gunman who got
out alive
this one could be true, but the
police say there is no evidence
of it
Eric knew Kip Kinkel (the gunman
from Thurston High School)
some of the bombs were planted
on the weekend before during the
after prom party
Eric hid messages in the Doom
game levels he made
true: he put his e-mail address
on some of the walls
Eric and Dylan only entered the
school and started shooting because
their propane bomb did not explode
why would they bring so many
smaller bombs and guns then?
The propane bomb mentioned above
would not have structerly damaged
the school
A bomb that size would at least
do some damage to the structure
Eric and Dylan were members of
'the Trench Coat Mafia'
most likely not true - they
were friends with some of the
group though
Eric and Dylan were 'programed'
by the government to carry out
this attack

Last updated 5-26-2000
go back to the memorial page

This page and the images on it (c) 1999 - 2009 James k

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